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Big Thanks to the coverage from the following media outlets

" Air Halo provides clean air everywhere." 

- Cupertino Times

"The Air Halo was designed entirely as a protection against the spread of infectious diseases like SARS."
- TechinAsia

"The technology of Hong Kong made Air Halo sanitizers is affirmed. The crowdfunding is up to $500000."

- Headline Daily

"Clean the air within one metre around the user without using filter."

- EveningStandard

"Plascide technology delivers superior efficiency to eliminate germs, clean up the air efficiently."



"I-SACA® air sanitizers can eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi and VOCs in the air effectively."


- Privilege Daily

"Nuclear technology and Air sanitization can reduce the air pollutants and improve our health"



Cupertino Times

Air Halo Provides Clean Air Everywhere

HKET -screenshot.jpg


Plascide technology delivers superior efficiency to eliminate germs, clean up the air efficiently.


Evening Standard

Personal purifiers that neutralise pollution are competing to create clean air bubbles around Londoners.



How the deadly SARS epidemic gave rise to a portable air cleaner for germophobes


Privilege Vida

Keep your clients up to date with what’s happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection. 


Headline Daily

The technology of Hong Kong made Air Halo sanitizers is affirmed.

The crowdfunding is up to $500000.


Nuclear technology and Air sanitization can reduce the air pollutants and improve our health.

Press Release

Air Halo Press release

Air Halo Press release

additional information


About the Company and technology

Charity donation scheme

Charity donation - Hospital

Charity donation - Clinic

Press Release
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